The welfare, wellbeing and safety of our pupils is of paramount importance. When our pupils have their basic needs met, they are in a position to learn and develop to their full potential. We are aware that there can be times when family situations change and additional support may be needed. Schools may be in a position to offer help at these times or to signpost families to services that can provide support.
We have 3 ‘Designated Safeguarding Leads’ in school, who are also part of the Leadership Team. They will support pupil welfare as and when required, including signposting families, liaising with social services or providing written information.
Our school Safeguarding Policy can be found on our Policies page, which is linked below:
Safeguarding also relates to curricular areas such as Relationships and Health Education and E-Safety, where we support pupils in developing their own understanding about keeping themselves safe and looking after their own health and well-being.
Please click the buttons below for links to safeguarding materials.