Free School Meals and Universal Free School Meals.
At our Craig Hall school site the school dinners are provided by Salford Citywide. If you would like a copy of the menu, please contact the Craig Hall site.
At our Swinton school site school dinners are provided by a company called Citywide. If you would like a copy of the menu, please contact the Swinton site.
The Hub – Dinners are provided via Summerville School. If you would like a copy of the menu, please contact the HUB site.
All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for a Universal Free School Meal. This is not means tested and is available to all pupils. However, if you have a child in any of these year groups and you would be entitled to Free School Meals (see criteria below), it is important that you still apply as this will ensure your child will have access to a school meal in Y3-Y6 and it also provides the school with additional ‘Pupil Premium’ funding to help support pupils effectively.
Pupils in Nursery have to pay unless they are entitled to an ‘Early Years Free School Meal’ due to their economic circumstance. Pupils in Y3-Y6 have to pay unless entitled to Free School Meals which is means tested.
School dinners are priced at £2.55 a day / £12.75 a week, this cost can be paid weekly, termly or yearly. We recommend that school dinners are paid for using our online payment system via the Weduc app. All dinners must be paid for in advance to ensure that arrears do appear on accounts.
If you require a school dinner forecast amount please contact the school office.
Thank you
To apply for Free School Meals, ring 0161 793 2500
You can fill in the Free School Meals form on Weduc (need to set one up, I can sort this out) or also apply online via the following web page:
* Please note: To be entitled to claim free school meals (FSM) when working and claiming Universal Credit, the earnings for one period should be no more than £616.67, earnings for the last two periods should be no more than £1,233.34, and the earnings for the last three periods should be no more than £1,850.00. Therefore if your earnings for one, two or three periods are below the upper earnings limits stated, you would be entitled to claim FSM. You will need to upload screen shots of each page of the relevant payment statement(s), especially the page(s) showing any deductions that are being made, with your online application, so we can then determine if you are entitled to claim free school meals. However, if your earnings for one period exceed £616.67, or if your earnings for two periods exceed £1,233.34, or if your earnings for three periods exceed £1,850.00, then you would not qualify to claim FSM.
Children who receive any of the above benefits in their own right (for example they get payments directly, instead of through a parent or guardian) can also get free school meals.
I think the advice sessions tab can be removed as info about the Gateways are below and that is where they would hold the advice sessions
Otherwise, apply in person at Broughton Hub or a Gateway centre, with necessary documents.
Staff at these locations should be able to process your free school meals application on a drop-in basis.
If you are applying in person, please be sure to bring documentary proof that you are currently in receipt of any of the above qualifying benefits, or confirmation that you receive support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (eg IND letter or a NASS letter).
We will be unable to process your application for free school meals unless we have seen the necessary proof that you are entitled to claim.
If you qualify for free school meals but your child has a packed lunch or has an alternative way of eating, your child can benefit financially whilst in school by you still claiming.
If you need any further advice, support or information please contact Nicola on 0161 778 0022 or